ChatGPT Prompts to Boost Your Learning


“In a thorough and comprehensive manner, please elucidate the intricacies and fundamental principles underlying the concept of X.” –

This prompt can be used to get a detailed explanation of a specific subject or topic, such as a historical event, scientific principle, or mathematical formula.

“Can you provide a thorough and detailed account of the origins, development, and significant events in the history of Y?” –

This prompt can be used to get a brief overview of the history of a specific subject, such as a particular invention, historical figure, or cultural tradition.

“Please provide a thorough and detailed summary of the key ideas and arguments presented in Z.”

This prompt can be used to get a concise overview of a longer piece of text, such as a book, article, or research paper.

“What specific traits and attributes define X, and how do these characteristics contribute to its overall nature and functioning?”

This prompt can be used to get a list of the key characteristics of a specific subject, such as a species of animal, a type of plant, or a historical period.

“Can you explain in detail the step-by-step process of how X functions, including all the components, mechanisms, and interactions involved?”

This prompt can be used to get a detailed explanation of how a specific process or system works, such as a machine, a technology, or a social system.

“Please provide a comprehensive and detailed analysis by listing the advantages and disadvantages of Y.”

This prompt can be used to get a balanced overview of the advantages and disadvantages of a specific subject, such as a policy, a technology, or a method of teaching.

In what ways do X and Y share common characteristics, and how do they differ from each other?”

This prompt can be used to compare and contrast two subjects, such as two historical events, two scientific theories, or two teaching methods.

“What are the specific factors or events that contribute to the occurrence of Z? Please provide a detailed analysis that encompasses all the primary causes and their interconnected relationships.”

This prompt can be used to get a list of the underlying causes of a specific phenomenon, such as a historical event, a natural disaster, or a social problem.

“What specific impacts, both positive and negative, does X have on various aspects such as individuals, communities, and the environment? Please provide a thorough and detailed analysis, considering short-term and long-term consequences, as well as any potential indirect effects or cascading outcomes.”

– This prompt can be used to get a list of the outcomes or consequences of a specific subject, such as a policy, a technology, or a natural event.

“What specific strategies or actions can be implemented to effectively address and resolve Y?”

 jaintricks by Jain Varghese

This prompt can be used to get a list of potential solutions to a specific problem or challenge, such as a social issue, a technical challenge, or a scientific question.